Photography Florence LawEventNewsWhat went down when Dazed Club took to the road with Gorp GirlsClubbers in Hoka gear completed a 5K runShareLink copied ✔️EventNewsTextDazed DigitalDazed Club x GorGirls run club12 Imagesview more +Life & CultureBonnie Blue, Lily Phillips and the tabloidification of sex work We’ve long been fans of GorpGirls and their founder Hannah DaSilva, so when we were thinking or new ways for the Dazed Club to get to know each other, their run and hike program sprung to mind straight away. After months of planning, this week the dream became a reality, all outfitted by Hoka. Dazed Clubber Florence Law was there to document the run, which was led by Nas Connie, starting from Knees Up in Hackney. After working up a sweat, our runners returned to Knees Up to hang out, before departing into the cool evening, hopefully with new friends in tow. Download the Dazed Club App to find out when the next Dazed Club x Gorp Girls run will be.