Grace McGrade is an intuitive astrologer and priestess based in Los Angeles. She is the host of the podcast “Bitchcraft: Spirituality for Bad People.” Her sessions include birth chart readings, tarot, energetic clearings and psychic consultations. For more astrology, read her guide to risings signs and moon signs.

It’s time for a change of guard, as we kiss outdated political and celebrity monarchs of the past two decades goodbye, and usher in a revolution. Welcome to a shiny new astrological era, dubbed by some astrologers, “The Age of Aquarius”. Although we won’t be moving into tech-savvy activist communes overnight, 2024 is a year for overthrowing unjust governance. Prepare for major strides forward, particularly in areas requiring technological and spiritual expansion. We are long overdue for dismantling hierarchical regimes, so get ready to reclaim power from the ruling classes. 2024 promises new beginnings, as we leave broken systems in 2023 and gear up to embark on a collective quest towards equality.

Think back to 2008, the beginning of the Age of Capricorn. It was the year Obama was elected, inciting high hopes in governance that would rapidly change. The market crashed, but celebrity culture peaked. We watched the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. Paparazzi narratives took on mythical proportions, and reality TV stars became the new monarchs. The infamous Bling Ring robberies exemplified the dangers of celebrity obsession driven by an insatiable appetite for excess. Britney, Lindsay and Paris would subsequently have breakdowns observed in real time. Fast forward to today and everyone is a niche, micro-celebrity subject to online scrutiny. Since 2008, our establishment has been shaken up, as we were exposed to the shadows of hierarchy, government and celebrity.

Pluto in Capricorn exacerbated our desire to climb the ladder, even if the ladder led to spaces without much integrity. When it moves into Aquarius on January 20, we shift our focus towards community, eager to find co-conspirators in the revolution we have all been waiting for. The French Revolution occurred during a Pluto in Aquarius transit, when the collective overthrew a tyrannical system, insistent on change. On November 20, Pluto will leave Capricorn for good, closing out one of the hardest career and money transits of our lifetimes.

Pluto in Aquarius then exposes us to the shadow side of the digital age, and can bring up fears related to technology, bio-engineering, group-think and darker modalities of spirituality. Aquarius, the most evolved of the air signs, corresponds to our global connectivity, big-picture ideas and new tech. We might see issues with social media, privacy laws and internet outages. Pluto reveals what was previously obscured, so expect hidden information to come to light, particularly as it relates to groups, cults, tech and scientific discoveries. Don’t be surprised if a conspiratorial fantasy becomes a reality, as this astrological weather is like Reddit threads brought to life.

Surrealist political landscapes may become the new norm, as well as advanced inventions that change our world. All of this is preparing us for new ideas, as we abandon the status quo and seek solutions. But we must first examine the shadow of futurism, where technology has compromised and replaced human connectivity. The desire to improve what already works can lead to unhealthy complications. 

We open 2024 with the Node of Destiny stationed in Aries, encouraging all signs to express independence. The North Node represents our collective learning, and signifies the eclipse themes in the year ahead. The Aries archetype is the Warrior, the headstrong Ram with battle fever. This configuration means the days of ignoring our call to adventure are over, and we are prompted to become our own champions. Ruled by the God of War, Mars, Aries guards the dynamic life force behind all of creation, as it is the sign of beginnings, drive and courage. Sure, we might be impulsive, even short-tempered, but 2024 is assisting us in owning who we truly are, reminding us of what we came here to do. If you have been stuck in patterns of keeping the peace over honouring your intuition, you will be redirected. 2024 is here to enforce growth.

As the South Node represents what we are letting go of, the lower expressions of Libra will need to be collectively purged. Libra is ruled by Venus, and applies to our physical appearances, as well as our dealings with others. This transit is uncovering things that look pretty on the surface, but are ugly underneath. The sign of Libra can be duplicitous in her dealings, overly concerned about other people’s perceptions. Wanting so badly to be liked, Libra can go to great lengths to avoid conflict or confrontation. Our masks become transparent in 2024, as what motivates people is slowly becoming impossible to conceal. This transit marks an end to people-pleasing and social climbing, and will have “fake” relationships that are just for show imploding in on themselves. The Lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25 acts as an exit valve for these antics, and prompts us to cut ties with those operating dishonestly.

As our more selfish tendencies are being traded in for a transcendent mission, authentic connections naturally replace the ones we’ve outgrown in 2024. Mid-May, Jupiter ingresses into Gemini, where it will stay until 2025. This transit is quickening the pace and expanding our appetite for variety. It brings a slew of new ideas and changes to our immediate environments, increased information and quality conversation. The Twins love to gossip, alternating perspectives, and we will be travelling through life like experimental teenagers. As Jupiter brings expansion, we will all be kept busy, as we master the art of communication. It’s an excellent time to move neighbourhoods or learn a new skill, as Gemini pertains to changing extracurricular activities. Be wary of getting caught in a crossfire of ideas or gossip, though, especially as everyone’s propensity for mischief is heightened. Fake news, opposing viewpoints and irreverent drama may become commonplace. It is important to keep a limber perspective and use this transit to learn and listen.

Brand new beginnings are incited in 2024, and we will find ourselves much more autonomous. Revolution awaits. It is the year of becoming your own person, ruffling feathers and speaking the truth. Your gut impulses are gifts, and must be acted upon, even if it means moving against the herd. Be courageous, and bold, as if your will to survive is blind to the possibility of failure.